ConnectedPay is a website established by two CPAs, a guy and a gal who wanted to provide businesses the opportunity to accept credit, debit, and e-check payments over the web. Frustration came to the guy when he was unable to pay his eye doctor bill using his credit card. The guy desired to pay the bill using his credit card because he receives points/cash back when he uses it. The bill he received had a spot to manually transcribe credit card information, however he definitely was not going to write down his credit card information on a paper bill and mail it back to the practice as it is extremely unsecure and someone has the chance to reuse that information without his permission. The guy figured the practice would accept credit cards over the phone, however, the practices business hours were during Joe's business hours. When he called, the office message system would tell him the practice was closed. Try as he may, the guy could not remember to call the office during his busy season (January to April). It wasn't until after busy season (3 months after receiving the bill) that he guy final settled his outstanding bill. The guy wanted to pay his bill but payment kept getting delayed.
At the same time, the gal opened a bill from a medical practice asking for payment for recent services. The gal, being cash and investment oriented, always kept her excess funds in a higher yielding account. As a practice, the gal always pays bills with her credit card on the date they are due. The bill she received also had a spot to record credit information, however, in dealing with clients who have had credit fraud problems related to manual credit slips, the gal was not going to give her credit card information manually. Time went past and the bill did not get paid until it was overdue as a result of the inflexibility in payment options offer by the medical practice. The gal had an idea....
It was over lunch that the the guy and the gal were discussing the difficulties they encountered in paying their bills that the idea was born. Both the Companies desiring payment lacked the ability to receive payments online and at off-peak hours.
ConnectedPay.com offers a virtual terminal which does not require software installation, equipment purchases, or integration modules for window's based accounting software. Sign up is easy and you are able to accept web based payments on your own personal mini-web page. Accept and receive payments 24/7 and the cash is deposited in you bank account of choice.
For more information contact us at:
info@connectedpay.com or http://www.connectedpay.com/contact.html
The Guy