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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What are the benefits of payment pards to consumers?

Payment cards (credit, debit & prepaid cards) offer more security, convenience, flexibility and control than any other payment method.

  • Consumers can use payment cards to access their bank accounts or credit lines anytime of the day or night, from just about anywhere in the world.
  • Payment cards are the fastest, simplest and safest way to make purchases, whether at the point of sale, on the Internet, or by mail or telephone.
  • Automatic bill payments save time and hassle by replacing checks for utilities, fitness clubs, subscriptions and others.
  • Payment cards are accepted nearly everywhere in the world, providing consumers with secure and convenient access to their funds and their credit lines whenever and wherever they choose.
  • Payment cards make it easy to track and manage expenses by offering instant online access to information about recent transactions, as well as detailed monthly statements. Many cards also provide consumers with annual statements that categorize all the previous year’s expenses.
  • By offering access to a line of credit, credit cards make it possible for consumers to meet emergency or other extraordinary expenses and to pay for them on a timetable that suits their needs and budgets.
  • Using credit, debit or prepaid cards to pay bills – either with automatic bill payment or individual online payments– reduces the likelihood of criminals intercepting mailed statements or payments
  • Payment cards are safer than carrying cash or using checks. If a credit or debit card is lost or stolen, it can be replaced quickly and easily, and federal law limits consumers’ liability for the fraudulent use of their cards to $50 in most cases. 
  • Moreover, payment card issuers continually invest in state-of-the-art security technology that can detect and prevent many fraudulent transactions before they occur.
  • Many credit and debit cards offer incentive programs that enable cardholders to earn cash back, airline tickets and other rewards.

We make it easy: Connected Pay online payments provide you credibility, increased cash flow, and lower liability.
Connected Pay's online payment service requires no software installation, no website is required, and no programmer is needed. You don't need anything special to accept credit cards by using Connected Pay's service. If you are ready to make it easier for your customers to pay you and save you time, please contact Connected Pay today to begin focusing more on your business. Contact Us at Connected Pay.